NATA Resources

​ is a website aimed to educate employers, workers, legislators, school administrators, parents and student athletes about the value athletic trainers bring to the field, office and to everyday life. Developed by the National Athletic Trainers' Association in 2016, At Your Own Risk's mission is to educate, provide resources and equip the public to act and advocate for safety in work, life and sport. Without an athletic trainer on your team, you are left to face the inherent safety risks of living, working and engaging in physical activity all on your own. By employing an athletic trainer, you provide a safer approach.
ATYourOwnRisk Resources

In August 2001, Korey Stringer, a Minnesota Vikings offensive lineman, passed away from exertional heat stroke. During Korey’s five-year tenure in the NFL he earned pro-bowl honors. Since the time of Korey’s death, his wife, Kelci, worked tirelessly to develop an exertional heat stroke prevention institute to honor her husband’s legacy. To that end, she joined forces with exertional heat stroke expert Douglas Casa, Ph.D, ATC at the University of Connecticut to make this dream a reality and the institute came to fruition in April 2010. The mission of the Korey Stringer Institute is to provide research, education, advocacy and consultation to maximize performance, optimize safety and prevent sudden death for the athlete, warfighter and laborer. KSI serves the needs of active individuals and athletes at all levels – youth, high school, college, professional, people who are physically active, recreational athletes – and those who supervise and care for these individuals. Components of these services include: consultations, advocacy, education, research, athlete testing, and mass-market outreach. The Korey Stringer Institute is housed at the University of Connecticut. The Department of Kinesiology faculty are renowned for their research and expertise in the areas of heat and hydration, injury prevention, and strength and conditioning.