Public Relations Committee

Tracy Collins, MS, LAT, ATC
Public Relations Committee Co-Chair

Taryn Cade-Schmidt, MS, AT/L
Public Relations Committee Co-Chair
Committee Purpose Statement
The Public Relations Committee was put in place to provide public representation on behalf of IATA and its membership, as well as to provide hubs of resources and information via various mediums for the benefit of IATA membership, the greater AT community and the general public.
IATA Social Media
Follow the IATA Instagram to keep up to date on all IATA happenings!
Run By: Lauren Hoyt
Instagram Name: idaho_ata
Follow the IATA Twitter to keep up to date on all IATA happenings!
Run By: Tracy Collins & Taryn Cadez-Schmidt
Twitter Name: idahoata
IATA Members!
Join the IATA Facebook Group to connect with your peers from throughout the state and to keep up to date on all IATA happenings
Moderated by: Tracy Collins & Taryn Cadez-Schmidt
Facebook Group Name:
Idaho Athletic Trainers' Association